Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Forms Pro becomes Dynamics 365 Customer Voice

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

July 23rd, 2020

34 min read

At the Microsoft Inspire 2020 Conference, which has been held this week as a virtual event, the launch of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice has been announced. This will replace Microsoft Forms Pro and is a feedback management tool that allows companies to create surveys, track responses and gain enhanced insight into customer metrics. 

In  this blog, we answer common questions about this new tool and take a look at the capabilities available within Customer Voice. We have also recorded a demo, which you can watch below…

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice FAQs:

What is Dynamics 365 Customer Voice?

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice will replace Microsoft Forms Pro, as a feedback management tool. It is designed to provide a complete overview of customers, capturing real-time feedback and providing enhanced insights into the responses, enabling you to act on them quickly.   Additionally, Customer Voice will support integrations with other Dynamics 365 apps and third-party CRM-related systems. It will also integrate with Power Platform tools like Power Automate, Power Apps and Power BI.  This new product is also separate from Microsoft Forms, which has been around for six years and will have a completely different interface, making the separation between the products much clearer. To find out more about what Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice is check out our blog. 

Is it just a name change?

As highlighted by Microsoft MVP Megan V. Walkerthis is more of a product re-launch rather than just a name change – “Microsoft Forms is one product, and Customer Voice is another. Customer Voice has the same great features as Forms Pro, but also includes new capabilities and exciting features.” Megan then went on to clarify that this is not just a name change, but essentially a whole new product.” 

When will Forms Pro change to Customer Voice?

Existing Microsoft Forms Pro customers will be transitioned to Customer Voice throughout August 2020, with the goal of all existing users to be moved the end of August 2020.   If you are not currently using Forms Pro at all (and would therefore be considered a new customer), you can sign up to a free trial of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice from Mid-August 2020.

If I am currently using Forms Pro, what will happen to my surveys when I transition to Customer Voice?

All of your surveys, invitations, responses, etc, will all be transitioned over to Customer Voice, so you will not lose anything.  The difference between Forms Pro and Customer Voice means that it is more-project focused. In Customer Voice, a project will be created which can have one or more surveys tied to it, as opposed to individual surveys. As you start to use Customer Voice and understand how it works in more detail, you might want to move your surveys to other projects (you can have multiple surveys in a project). So the interface might look a little different, but you will not lose any of your Forms Pro data. 

What are the major differences between Forms Pro and Customer Voice?

As we just mentioned, Customer Voice has more of a project concept rather than seeing the surveys as individual entities. This is essentially a way of tying your surveys together, in a way that makes sense to your business. 

For example, you might group all the surveys that are related to a specific product/service in one project.

A project can hold one or more surveys and can have branching rules and variables which can be tied to both a survey and a project. You can then review and analyse your responses at a project level, using what is called satisfaction metrics, tracked for net promoter score or sentiment, or CSAT (a customer satisfaction score), or at an individual survey level. 

Another new piece of functionality is the solution templates. This means that when you create a project, you can select a template that has already been setup and designed for you that might include multiple surveys, different variables, branching rules, etc. 

How will Customer Voice be licensed?

No changes have been announced to the existing licensing entitlements. Like Forms Pro, Customer Voice is included with D365 Enterprise licenses (Sales, Customer Service, Field Service or Project Service Automation), with capacity up to 2000 responses per month / per tenant.    Additional capacity can be purchased at a cost of £75.40 per month for an extra 2000 responses.  

A look at the Customer Voice capabilities…

  • Ready to use templates that include question sets, workflows and reports.
  • Create personalised surveys based on customer data in your existing business applications
  • Capture feedback quickly using preferred channels; emails, SMS, web and mobile
  • Connect feedback with customer information in Dynamics 365 applications
  • Gain enhanced insights by continuously connecting feedback with customer information you already have
  • Understand your customers in real-time as the data automatically updates when someone responds
  • Customised dashboards that allow you to visualise feedback and see what matters most
  • Respond in real-time based on automatic triggers that you set
  • Built-in satisfaction metrics like Net Promoter Score and CSAT (a customer satisfaction score)

Customer voice showing customer insights such as emails, social etc.

Forms Pro Demonstration

Prior to the name change from Forms Pro to Customer Voice, we hosted a webinar demonstrating the functionality within Forms Pro. We covered; What is Microsoft Forms Pro, benefits, five ways to send surveys to clients and employees, examples of business use cases (Case Completion, Order Delivered, Event Feedback), system Demonstration and Q&A. The majority of the core functionality remains the same between Forms Pro and Customer Voice, so this webinar is still very much applicable.

Click to view video transcript

Hello, my name is Jess, and I’m the Marketing Manager at Pragmatiq Solutions. Welcome to the introducing Microsoft Forms Pro webinar this morning. In a second, I’m going to hand over to our Technical Director Jamie. And he’s going to go through the agenda and the rest of the demonstration with you. Just to let you know the demo is going to run until about 11:30. And then we’ll have some time for questions and answers. The Q&A panel will be open throughout the webinar, so you should see on the right hand side of your screen, if you do have any questions, please submit them via that we’ll answer everything collectively towards the end. Just to let you know as well that this webinar is being recorded, so the recording will be sent out to everybody this afternoon. I’ll now hand over to Jamie to take over. Thanks, Jessica. Hello, everyone. Good morning and welcome to this webinar where I’ll be introducing Microsoft surveying solution, Microsoft Forms Pro and explaining what Forms Pro is all about showcasing some of the key features and functionalities and making it clear to you how you can be used forms pro within your business. A little bit about myself, my name is Jamie Evans and the Technical Director of Pragmatiq Solutions. We are a Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner specialising designing, developing bespoke Bespoke CRM Systems and Custom Databases, and offer solutions built in Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. A bit about the session today, it is split up into three sections, there’ll be a short presentation, where I’ll be going through what is Microsoft Forms Pro, some of the high level benefits and features and business use cases where from our experience, Forms Pro works well. And to give you a bit of inspiration where you could use it within your business. There’ll be a demo where we’ll get hands on in the system, I’m showing you some of the key features and functionalities. We’ll go through the survey editor working with themes and settings. I’ll showcase outside how the survey interacts with dynamics 365 and also show you some of the analytics possibilities as well. And then there’ll be a live Q&A, like Jessica mentioned, where you’ll have a chance to ask some questions at the end. Okay, so what is Microsoft Forms Pro? Microsoft forms Pro is a survey and tool that extends the basic survey capabilities of Microsoft Forms. So for those of you who have heard of or have worked with Microsoft forms before, maybe to send out a survey maybe for data collection, from stakeholders, or even embedding a contact form onto a website, there’s some key differences between Forms and Forms Pro, essentially forms Pro is a professional version of Microsoft Forms and comes with comes with some additional functionality. It interacts with dynamics 360 Microsoft Dynamics 365. For those of you don’t know what Microsoft Dynamics 365 is, is Microsoft’s business application platform that comes with purpose-built applications such as Sales, Customer Service, Project Service Automation, Field Service, and Marketing. And I’ll explain a little bit more about the interaction and the benefits of that a little bit later in this session. And other digital features are multiple ways in which the surveys can be sent out. The main ones mentioned here is the use of power automate, which is another one another Microsoft application, which is a comprehensive workflow engine where surveys can be automatically sent out based on triggers in Dynamics 365 or other Microsoft applications. They’re increased analytics as well so as standard the improved analytics that you got with Forms, you get improved dashboards and reports with Forms Pro. And you can also use Power BI as well, which is Microsoft’s business intelligence we to visualise and gain better insights into the survey data. Another mention about pricing. So for those of you already using Microsoft Dynamics 365 if you are if you have an enterprise licence, so a sales, customer service field service or Project Service Automation enterprise licence, you get forms pro included, where you’ll get 2000 responses per month per organisation included in your licencing. And then you can also top up with that per month for £75.40 for an additional 2000 responses. A point to mention here aswell is that this webinar focuses mainly on the interaction with Dynamics 365. But Forms Pro can be used standalone, but obviously not be able to use and leverage some of the key features with the interaction with Dynamics 365. Okay, so a little bit about the benefits and features why use Microsoft Forms Pro. So to gain insights into the satisfaction of your customers, and you get instant feedback from your customers how happy they are with your company, your products and your service and get an overall feeling about how the satisfied overall satisfaction of your customer base. You get quick responses to negative feedback. There are ways to be notified if there are negative feedback on a response. So, you can deal with that promptly and professionally. There are ways that an email can be sent to a manager or a task be put into task list to follow up with that negative feedback and deal with it right away. You can also identify trends and improvement areas, it might be that our trends on a particular time of the year, so it might be seasonal trends on the feedback or on the feedback to your services, it might be the times of the day or even the days of the week. And you can also identify improvement areas that maybe certain products or services, or even employees within the business that need that have are getting negative feedback and need to maybe have some extra training or look into those products and services in more detail. You can also reduce admin around survey management. With all the extra capabilities around automating the sending of surveys and automatically analysing responses. It saves time, where a human would need to administer surveys, and you can drive automation now reduced to increasing efficiency and productivity. On the feature side of things, there is also one called question branching and logic is a nice functionality where the surveys can be dynamic. So questions or question groups of questions can be shown or hidden based on other answers to questions, it could be that if you wanted to, if you if you’ve got a rating that was less than two, then or less than three, for example, then another group of questions get gets shown. So, you can get some more feedback on that negative feedback. You can also personalise surveys with variables. So, you can actually pass for example, the name of the person you’re sending it to, or it could be the case ID or the title, for example. So, the person receiving the invite knows what they are responding to it gives them a bit of context before they before they submit their response. integration into dynamics. 365 is one of the main features here. When you work with forms pro and Microsoft Dynamics 365. Together, the data from the surveys, the invites the responses comes back into dynamics 365 as a record against the contact or the record, such as the case or the order. And this is great as it means that the data around your customers is stored in one common platform and removes any data silos that other surveying tools have created in the past. And then finally, we have again, we have those improved analytics, we have some standard dashboards and reports that we give good insights into the into the feedback from your customers. But you can also leverage again, Power BI to do some further analytics into that data. Then we have the business use cases. So where can we use Microsoft forms pro effectively, one example within Customer service is the case completion. So it could be a scenario that you want to send out a survey to a customer once the case has been resolved, and the person who the person on the contact on the case would receive the invite and, and also respond and that data would come back into the case and be stored against the case and the contacting dynamics. The other one is where you’ve got an order has been delivered or fulfilled, the contact on the order would receive an invite. And also the response would come back into dynamics against the order and on the contact record. The final one here is the event feedback. So if you’re running event management, and you maybe have a marketing application or another end band Management module, and if an event has as finished as been finalised, you might want to send out some feedback to the participants. So there’s just a few examples there where forms pro works well, but there’s many other scenarios that you could use within your business. Okay, so now I’m going to jump into the demonstration itself. So I’m just going to jump into forms Pro. But before I start, for those of you who have used forms before, you’ll be familiar with forms here, but if you haven’t, you would get a forms option here that you click, and it will take you through to the forms application to say Microsoft forms Pro. And if you’ve used forms for you, it might take you directly to forms. There is a way if you click on the top right-hand corner on your profile, you can switch between forms and forms pro there. So that’s something to bear in mind. I know of the top right corner you also have the environment. So if you are working with if you have dynamics 365 and you’re working with multiple environments, you need to make sure that you are working with the correct environment here. We have quite few environments. I’m working in the demo environment at the moment. Now what I can see is that I have the surveys that are been shared with me or the ones where I have created the surveys themselves. So you can see they have an option to create a new survey, but these are the ones that are in the list already that I’ve created. So I’m going to go into one of those surveys now to show you some of the survey editor and some of the main features. I’m going to click into this survey here, what we can see at the top is we have a header where we can upload a logo, our logo is better and sort of horizontal. But you could also have the logo bit fits on the left hand side of the title. So it reduces the size of the header. You can also see we’ve got a title here. And then we put subtitle here where we say, please take two minutes to provide your feedback from the case. And this is where we have a variable I’ll talk about in a little bit more detail. This is where we can pass the case ID to the survey when it’s been sent. So the person receiving it knows what case they are responding about. Okay, then we go into the question here. So we have different types of questions. We have the rating question, we have a question where you can ask for multiple lines of text, you have a Likert question type where you can put some characteristics on the left hand side and ask them to rate it based on a certain scale. You have another rating on here with different a different types of Smiley’s some more important here. And then we have a net promoter score one here where you can say how likely would you recommend a bus to a friend or a college? So this is just a showcase a an already is pre built survey with some of the questions in here. But I’m going to go and add a new question. So you can see how straightforward it is to add a new question. So I’m going to click on the Add New, I get a pop up to either pick multiple choice, you have text, which is the multiple lines of text, you have the rating that we showed you, you could ask for a particular date. And you also get some other options here where you can go more, you can have a ranking. So you can rank certain points in order, you have the like we talked about, you have the net promoter score, and then you have the section as well. So if you’re working with largest surveys with multiple, you know, lots of questions, you can actually design it into sections. So it takes the user through different sections, when they’re filling out certain questions. So you can group questions within sections, and order those sections accordingly. Okay, so what I’m just going to go and create one is I’m actually going to go and pick choice here. So I don’t create a new question. And it pops up. I can put the question in here. So I’ll say, Are there are there any improvement areas, so proven areas, and then we can list a service by just typing a question there. And you can list some of the some of the options here. So I could say speed. For example, I could say ability. Just as two examples there, you also what’s really nice with the with the choice questions, you get the Add for that. So instead of having to click other and then put field in there, it actually just puts one in there where you can type in that says about some of the options you have is to actually select multiple answers, you can make it that the question is required, you can also pmake it a drop-down and a subtitle. So there’s quite a few options there. And you can see once I click off it, that question is nicely added there with the options. And then the other option at the end. If I click into an already created one, which is the rating you then you’ll see you have options around the rating. So I can switch between a number we can do and I can also increase the amount of level so the rating is one to 10 or one to four have flexibility around that. So that’s really, straightforward to create a survey and add those questions in. And then once you get Once you’ve added those questions in is you get a preview option, which is good to see how the customer is going to see the survey before you send it out. So if I click on the preview option here, what we get is that you get the desktop version, and then we also get mobile, you’ll notice on the desktop version, that you actually get to see some space around on the right and left of the on the right and left of the server which I’ll explain about in a minute. Then you click to mobile, it’s then condensed into a certain responsive for a mobile version. I think Microsoft done a really good job of that on the mobile side to make it really easy to fill out on the mobile and make it look good as well. Okay, so I’m just going to switch back to the editor and I’m going to go on to themes. So this is how we can the look and feel of the survey. So I’m going to click on theme and you can see you have some options to add some standard colours, we’ve uploaded the pragmatic solutions branding colour here. So you can do the same for your colours. And but what you also get is an option to put some a graphic in the background. So if I click on this one for example, it has a certain colour scheme, but it also puts out a Have a graphic in the background. So you could actually design one for your business. So maybe have your logo, some key information in there, it could be awards or any logos he wants to present in here. And do bear in mind that when you go to the preview, only people see that when they’re on the desktop version, when you go to the mobile, that background is different. So the majority of people will probably depend on your customer base, you’ll know them better than than I do. But it depends on if you predominately people using mobile, then I wouldn’t go to the I wouldn’t necessarily say to go to the effort of creating that particular graphic for the background, I’m just going to go and switch back to the Pragmatiq colours, keep it nice and simple. And that’s to show you the theme. And then I’m gonna go into some of the settings. So click on the three dots in the top right hand corner, we can share this survey to other people. So you give a link here where you can share to other people in the organisation to collaborate on it. And you’ll then you’ll be able to copy it and send that link to somebody internally, and then they will then be able to see it in their shared to me section, and they’ll be able to collaborate on that particular survey. We also have survey variables. So I talked about that with the case ID briefly. But if I just click on it, certain variables, variables can be defined to be able to pass values to the survey. And this is really good, because it makes it the survey dynamic. And it makes it yeah, it makes it dynamic, even personalised. So I could pass the first name in there, I could have multiple words, maybe I want the case title, or maybe I want the name of the customer service representative. And I can pass that to there. So when the customer receives it, it gives them some context about what they’re actually responding to. Then we have the branching rules. So we have a rule in place on this survey to say, if there is a negative experience, show the details of experienced field. So I’m just going to click into that, see what you can experience. So there is a natural condition you can put in place to say, if the question is how you rate the experience of your latest case is less than rating three, I want to show another question that where they have to provide more details of their experience. And likewise, if it’s if it’s greater than three, it’ll hide that question. So let’s go and see that in operation. So you can see. See how that works. Just before I go into that, though, there is that there are some other actions here. So you can actually navigate to based on an answer of a question, you could navigate to another sub survey, or you could also go through an external URL as well. So that’s a nice feature there. So let’s go back to the survey itself, I’m going to go to preview, and I’m going to go to answer the first question and then give it a rating of four. So what you’ll notice is that that that that particular question disappears, because I’m happy with that response for I don’t need to receive any more feedback. But if someone wants to answer a question is writing to it, then ask for another question appears and ask for some extra information about that particular feedback that you just given. So that’s nice to make the survey dynamic. And I’m building that logic there. Okay, so go back now. So that’s sort of the set that’s branching rules, multilingual is that you can send surveys, obviously, in multiple languages, if you’re working sending your customer basis is multinational, you can use different languages. And then there’s a Settings option here with quite a few settings that you can define, I’ll just go through a few of them. So we can say, only people in the in my organisation can respond. So if you’re sending an internal survey, it blocks it from anyone external to be able to set to be able to respond to it, you might want to shuffle questions, you might want to customise the thank you message might want to customise the footer text. And you might even want to put an end date on the survey. So if you have links that are published, on the web or on your social channels, you might want to make sure that if someone clicks it after the end date, they can’t actually put a response in, you might want to put maximum number of responses there, you might say we only need 500 responses to do the job. So we’ll keep it and keep it as their maximum response. And you might want to say this should only run for a number of days as well. And you can also put a notification in to get a notification of each response. And there’s also a way of adding an additional email address in here to send from which I’ll talk about in a second. Then the final option down here is to show progress bar progress bar. So as I showed you, you can actually create sections or groups of questions. And if you’ve got a long survey, there might be 30 plus questions with five different sections. It’s good for the user to see a progress bar to see how far they how far they are into the survey and how far Got to go before they complete it. Okay, so that’s some of the settings there, I’m now going to move on to how a survey can be sent and go through the options there. But before I do that, I’m just going to switch back to my other survey here, which is this one, which is a copy. But he’s just got some different settings in it. So I’m just going to click on Send. And then what we have here is five options to be able to send a survey. So I’m just going to briefly go over them, and then I’ll show you a couple of the features. So we have email, you can send an email to that records within dynamics 365 group of records, or even import a list of email addresses and contacts to be able to send a particular survey to people, we can use power automate, where we can configure a flow to automatically send out the survey, and I’ll show that in a second. You can embed any form onto a website, you can send a link to an individual to an individual or group of people or publish a link on a social channel on a website where people can click on it and start to fill out the survey. And then there’s also an option there to scan a QR code for people working on tablets and mobiles. Let’s just go into the email first. So if I click on the email option, what we get here is first thing is if we get the front, and it says Jamie Evans via Microsoft forms Pro, so the default email that sends through from his email, there are ways of changing that to your own domain. But there is an attack of requesting to go into Microsoft, there’s a bit of a technical work around it. So it’s not always the easiest thing. But there is an option there to do that. And then we come on to the to section where you can enter the recipients. Now this is the part where it really starts to interact with Dynamics 365. So for example, if I was to type in the name, Charles rose, that person will come up in the database, it recognises that person is looking into the dynamics database to find that person, I might want to send it to someone called Sharon shivers as well. And it’s found Sharon shivers there. Now, if I send that that will send that to those two people in Dynamics. But it’ll also put that invite on their record in Dynamics 365, which I’ll show you in a second. So that’s an individual people. But I might also want to send it to a group of people that have a list of people stored in Dynamics. So if I just quickly switch to Dynamics 365, to show you that, I’m in the customer service hub, and I go on to contacts, I have a view here that’s been saved, called contacts follow. And there are three people in this list here. But for you, there might be hundreds of people in the list you want to send it to. So we go to back to forms Pro. And if I type in contacts, and then follow, you’ll see I have these lists here that I can select. So I can select this list in Dynamics, and then from Dynamics. And then if I send that it will then send that invite to all those people in that list. There are also ways of uploading, so I can import recipients from a CSV file, it has to be in a certain format. So you have external data source with you with the people you want to send it to, you can also upload it to the server itself. Okay, come on to the subject. So we also have a way of defining an email template. So when an email is when a survey sent directly via email, or through power automate, we can then define a certain template. Now, I’m just going to switch to the template here, where with the find where it has the subject is Pragmatiq Solutions that customers set feedback survey invite at the title of the email we’ve designed in a certain way. And we’ve also embedded the first question here as well, which is a nice feature. So when the customer receives that email, that receipt, they’ll see the first question that they can actually answer the first question from the email. There’s also a way as well of passing variables. So first name, last name, case ID into the template. And you can create multiple templates as well and save them so they can be used again and again. Okay, so I’m just going to send this one now to this, these contacts, and we can click Send. And then that will then say, congratulations, your survey has been sent to the following recipients. Okay, so that was one way of sending by email. If I then go back to send and go to power automate. This is another way in which the automated way of sending them out. So what we’ll see here, it gets a little bit technical power automates I’m just going to explain it briefly. But we’ve got one flow configured here, where it sends a survey when a case is resolved in Dynamics 365. And you can see here, there’s been 23 successful runs, and there’s never been no failures. So this is something that’s been configured that when a case is resolved, it will automatically send out the survey. So I’m going to show you that now when I jump to dynamics 365. So go back over to dynamics into the customer service hub, and then go to the list of my active cases. If I click into this record here, it will show me the record with some of the information. And I’ll go through. And I can see here that I have a particular customer, it’s ABC installation services. And there’s a contact here called Thomas graves. So if I go to resolve his case, now, it will then send automatically send a survey to Thomas graves to fill out the information about this case, I’m going to click resolve. And I got a pop up, say I’ll just say resolved. And then I’ve got 15 minutes on there, and I click resolve. So the case then gets closed down. And what’s going to happen now is that that flow is going to trigger is automatically going to send it to Thomas graves. So and it’ll also put the survey invite on the case in Dynamics itself. So when I click on to Thomas groves record, I’ll then be able to see that invite on there. When I click through, I’m going to click through to Thomas graves. And we can see straight away here we have pragmatic solutions customer feedback survey invite as a record on Thomas’s timeline, if I go back to the case, I’ll also see that invite on the case because it’s related to the case, so you can see it from both sides. But let me go back to Thomas. And I’ll go through and click so you can see what you can see here. So we click open record, I click on Open record, and I can see some information about the actual invite period sent from the status of it hasn’t been replied yet, etc. Okay, and I’ve just had a notification to say that the email has come through. So I’ll just open up that email so you can see it. And I drag this over to the screen. So you can see a new email has come through, I’ll just download the pictures. And you can see here, how would you rate your experience with the last case? And I’ll click on before then what that does, it takes me through to the forms Pro, so you can see how it’s been filled out. So now you can see here, the first question has already been answered. The other question has been hidden, because I’ve got a score over four. And another point to make here is that I actually have the case ID being passed to the survey as a variable. So you can see how that works. I can just quickly fill out all very good. Yeah, I’m happy with it. I’m going to put know all the comments. And I’m going to highly recommend Pragmatiq Solutions to a friend or colleague. And I go click Submit. And then I get a notice here to say thank you for your spot. If I now go back into dynamics 365. And I’ll refresh on Thomas’s record, what I’ll get is another entry here to say that we’ve had a response. Now this is where it’s really good that you see the actual response details on the record in Dynamics. So I can go and search for all the responses for a particular survey, I can actually go into Thomas’s record like I’m on now and see that information there. And then so I go and click on this particular record, watch to get to see some high-level information. But you also get to see how Thomas actually put in this information. So I can see the rating, I can graphically see how he scored it. Maybe put in the comments in here, the ratings itself. And at the bottom, I actually get each individual question as a record in Dynamics. Now, that’s really good, because it allows us to allows you to actually drive some automation there, like I mentioned at the start, if there is a particular negative feedback on a question, or there is an overall general score that is, is poor, then you can drive some automation by sending an email to a manager or putting a task into someone’s task list to follow up with that particular response in that customer. That shows you how it can be worked within dynamics, and how that data gets stored in Dynamics, as well as in Microsoft forms. So last thing I’m going to show you, let’s go back into Microsoft forms pro into the actual survey itself, and show you some of the response, the responses and the invites analytics. So I go through to the response section. And I can see here, I should going to switch back to the other one quickly just go through to this one and then responses, and I can see it here that there has been 17 invitations that have been 21 responses. So the reason why that is highest because the invitations when it’s been sent to an individual person that we know about. So something that’s been stored in Dynamics 365 or in other Microsoft applications, but there can also be extra responses that people may click on a link on our social channels, fill out those responses. So I go on to invitations, and I get some analytics I can see in the list here who was actually responded I can see the source was it sent by power automate was it sent by email I can get a status in here, have they responded? Or has it been sent? Or has it been started by somebody as well. But we get here as well as some embedded Power BI, here where you get the average amount of time that people take to respond. Have they been in it failed invitations, invitation status, and then a trend invitation trend over a time period. So that’s some information about the invitations, then I go on to the responses, and they get some further analytics around the responses as well. So the average time it took for someone to respond, filling the survey, the response ratio, some a net promoter scores, etc. and I get to see all the people who’ve been responded and put into market here is that response type is quite key. So if we know about the person, if they’re in Dynamics that return particular responses tracked, and that’s where the data comes back into dynamics and puts the response in Dynamics. However, if they are anonymous, so they may have clicked the link or scan the QR code, or they filled out a form that’s been embedded into a website, that then becomes an anonymous person, because we don’t know who they are, until they fill it out. There are ways of capturing that information during the survey. And then we can then automatically turn them into contacts in the in the Dynamics database, but as standard, they are anonymous to us until they fill out the form. Okay, and I’m just going to lastly show you the analytic side that we have a question why analysis? So this is where we get a breakdown per question of the actual scores, and, or how people responded to and get an overall rating across all of the surveys, I get the Likert score here. So I can see how people have been rating the different characteristics. And we get a breakdown basically, per question there, which is nice. That can be it can be analysed, you can also click on these as well. So they’re actually reactive, you click on it, it’ll then show how everyone who rated star five also answered the rest of the questions itself. Okay, so that finalises the demo side of the survey. And I’ll just switch back to the presentation. So if anyone has any questions towards Microsoft forms Pro, or even Dynamics 365, please feel free to reach out to us at, we also have a chance now to ask any questions during the Q&A. And I’ll put our hand back over to you, Jessica, for the Q&A. Thank you, Jamie. We will now open the floor to any questions. So if anybody has anything to ask, please type in the Q&A panel on the right hand side of your screen. I’ll give it a minute, something’s come through. Okay, it looks like we’ve had a couple come in. So the first question is, how are the unsubscribes managed if using external data sources to email survey, as shown on the over today for answer? Yeah. Could you repeat that again, please, Jessica? It says How are the unsubscribes managed if using external data sources to the email survey. So the unsubscribe, there is an option to unsubscribe, there’s an unsubscribe link that you can embed into the email template when it’s sent out. So they can unsubscribe from the list. By clicking get, there’s also ways of using Power Automate as well to unsubscribe people from the from the contact list when it comes back into Dynamics 365. Okay, and the second question that we’ve had is, can you use the same survey over again? Or do you have to create a new one for every campaign? Yeah, that’s a good question. So the way it’s designed, if you’re not going, if you’re going to have the same survey, that’s not going to change, not bad questions, you know, take questions away, you can actually use the same survey over and over again. And there’s some good features in there where you can actually do some time, if you wanted to do some trend analysis on the survey, you can you can report over a time period to say, you know, what, what was the feedback over this particular time period? So yeah, the answer to the question is you can, you can use the same survey over and over again, as long as you’re not going to change the survey. Okay, that’s great. It doesn’t look like we’ve had anything else come through. But if anybody does think of anything, then please feel free to contact us using the details that you can see on the screen. Just to reiterate, our email is or can call us on 01908 038110. I’m also about to pop a link to our webinar survey in the Q&A panel, which is actually made use of Microsoft Forms Pro. So if you do wish to provide your feedback on the webinar today, you can do through so you can do so through here. Hopefully you found our webinar useful. As I mentioned before, this has been fully recorded so it will be sent to your email this afternoon. I will get that over right away. And if you do have any questions, feel free to contact us. Thank you for joining and I hope you have a good day.

Get in touch

We will continue to share information around Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, as and when it gets released. In the meantime, please reach out if you have any questions. Fill out the contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly, or if you’d prefer, email us at or call us on 01908 038110. 


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