Microsoft Dynamics 365

5 surveys your charity could send with Customer Voice

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

January 31st, 2022

5 min read

Gathering feedback is a crucial aspect of understanding the needs and sentiments of your volunteers, donors, associates, and other stakeholders. Conducting surveys is an effective and relatively simple way to achieve this. Dynamics 365 for Charities offers a valuable tool, Microsoft Customer Voice, for managing feedback and conducting successful surveys.

Dynamics 365 Customer Voice for Charities

What is Customer Voice?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice is a feedback management tool designed to create surveys and track responses. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive view of relationships, enhance insights, improve experiences, and support more informed decision-making.

Which charity stakeholders could benefit from surveys?

Surveys offer invaluable opportunities to understand your volunteers and donors better as demonstrated by Talking Matters Sefton who implemented Customer Voice surveys to gain feedback from new client referrals.

  1. Volunteers: Volunteers are essential to any charity or non-profit organisation and therefore ensuring a high-quality volunteer experience should be a top priority. By collecting feedback through surveys, you can identify areas for improvement, make necessary adjustments, and enhance the volunteer experience.
  2. Donors: Maintaining a strong donor base and cultivating new relationships are crucial for charitable organisations. Surveys allow you to understand donors’ sentiments and make changes to current processes if necessary, creating a more positive donor experience.

Key Benefits of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice for Charities

  • Fast Setup: Customer Voice offers ready-to-use templates and allows you to build custom surveys with just a few clicks, enabling you to get started quickly.
  • Connected Feedback: You can integrate the feedback data with other Dynamics 365 applications, the Power Platform, and third-party applications, helping you gain a holistic view of your stakeholders.
  • Device Compatibility: Customer Voice surveys can be accessed on any device, making it convenient for your stakeholders to engage with surveys from anywhere.
  • Actionable Insights: Access satisfaction metrics available in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice and gain valuable insights from survey responses, enabling your organization to make informed decisions and improvements.

Examples of useful surveys for Charities & Non-Profit Organisations using D365 Customer Voice

Volunteer satisfaction and feedback

Volunteer satisfaction surveys are a great way of gathering feedback from your volunteers. You can use this to understand how satisfied they are in the role, how they found the onboarding process, whether they have any suggestions on how events are organised and staffed, or any other key thoughts they might have. Most importantly, you can use the data gathered from volunteer surveys to evaluate current processes and guide future decision-making.

Key areas to build your volunteer survey around:

  • Day-to-day volunteer experience
  • On-boarding
  • Training
  • Relationships with co-volunteers or supervisors
  • Overall satisfaction
  • How appreciated they feel
  • Do they feel fulfilled in their role

Market research

Discover the best ways to attract and retain support for your Charity or Non-Profit organisation by creating surveys for market research. This type of survey enables you to collect data about your target market and their motivation to support you.

Tips for forming your market research survey:

  • Define your problem – what problem are you trying to solve with this survey?
  • Establish your research objectives – what is your goal?
  • Target the right audience – who will you send the survey to, to gain the most insight?
  • Set timelines – how many times will you send out your survey and when is the deadline for results?

Volunteer recruitment

Finding and recruiting new volunteers can be essential to your organisation’s needs. How do you advertise, recruit, train, and retain them? Your current volunteers can provide insight into improving your communication and outreach to maximise your recruitment opportunities.

Key questions to ask:

  • How likely are your to recommend the volunteer programme to others?
  • How likely are you to continue volunteering with us?
  • Do you have any suggestions for us regarding our volunteer recruitment process?

Event feedback

Event surveys are a useful tool for charities and non-profit organisations to capture valuable feedback before and after an event. This could include any gathering from a small volunteer opportunity to a large-scale fundraising event. Prior to hosting an event, it can be helpful to send a survey that allows you to be better understand attendees and their expectations for the upcoming event. After the event has taken place, another survey can be sent, allowing you to understand what went well and areas for improvement. You can then use this feedback to tailor future events and ultimately help you reach your fundraising targets, enhance awareness and increase attendance.

Key areas of questioning:

  • Reasons for attending the event
  • Event expectations
  • Event registration process
  • Location/venue of the event
  • Overall event experience
  • Improvement areas
  • Recommendations for the future

Donor feedback

For charities and non-profit organisations, it is important to check in with donors from time to time. Understanding how they feel about their donor experience and towards your organisation, can help fine-tune future experiences for both current and new supporters. Additionally, the use of a survey can help determine if donors understand how their money is being used and if they feel it is being used appropriately, if not, you can put steps in place to keep them more informed moving forwards.

Key areas to form your donor survey around:

  • Ascertaining if they understand where their donations are spent
  • Assess their understanding of your fundraising goals

Before creating you survey why not check out our top tips for creating customer voice surveys to help you make the most out of your surveys.

Get in Touch

If you would like more information about Customer Voice or how Pragmatiq can support your business, please get in touch via the contact form below, or email us at / call us on 01908 038110.


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