Digital Transformation at medneo with Microsoft Dynamics 365


medneo is an innovative diagnostic imaging company specialising in MRI and CT Imaging, operating across 25 centres in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. To streamline their operations and overcome existing challenges, medneo partnered with Pragmatiq to implement a bespoke CRM solution built on Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Background & Challenges


medneo previously relied on SugarCRM alongside other disconnected systems, which were inefficient and lacked integration capabilities.


  • Disparate Systems: Multiple systems led to duplication of work and manual processes outside of the CRM.
  • Unstructured Data: Lack of structured sales processes and difficulty in navigating system data.
  • Manual Reporting: Admin-heavy monthly reporting tasks.
  • Contract Management: Inefficient handling of contracts and documentation.
  • Campaign Effectiveness: Limited visibility into the performance of sales and marketing campaigns.

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery and Planning:

Pragmatiq designed and implemented a custom CRM solution on Dynamics 365 to align with medneo’s specific business processes and enhance operational efficiency.


  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales: Implemented to re-architect the sales process, streamline automation, and improve data visibility.
  • Integrated Contract Management: Utilised Docusign and Xpertdoc to automate contract generation, including terms, conditions, and pricing.
  • Product Catalogue Customisation: Developed to manage equipment servicing and pricing effectively.
  • Marketing Automation: Implemented Dynamics 365 Marketing for campaign management, email marketing, and customer journey automation.
  • Reporting Enhancement: Integrated with Power BI for advanced reporting capabilities, providing insights into campaign effectiveness, sales opportunities, and contract renewals.
  • Integration with Business Central: Enhanced data flow and efficiency across systems, integrating IQIVIA for medical data.

The Transformation


  • Improved Data Access: Centralised information in Dynamics 365 reduces search time and enhances operational efficiency. Mobile accessibility supports field staff.
  • Streamlined Contract Management: Automated contract generation and management processes improve final sales stages and reduce manual effort.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Dynamics 365 and Power BI enable quick insights into campaign performance and sales metrics, aiding informed decision-making.
  • Advanced Marketing Capabilities: Efficient campaign execution and performance tracking across multiple channels directly from Dynamics 365.
  • Connected Technology Landscape: Consolidated systems and integrations ensure seamless data flow and a unified view of operations.

Contact us to discover how Dynamics 365 can transform your business operations, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making capabilities across your organisation.

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