Visku's Transformation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

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Explore how Pragmatiq designed and implemented a bespoke Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales solution tailored around Visku’s unique requirements and workflows.

Background & Challenges


Visku specialises in supply chain consulting and logistics optimisation, providing strategic guidance to businesses to ensure efficient operations from stock holding to future planning.


  • Disparate Systems: Multiple data silos and manual processes for accessing and updating information.
  • Lack of Visibility: Limited visibility into customer and supplier interactions due to data scattered across spreadsheets.
  • Scalability Issues: Existing setup did not adequately support scalability and growth.
  • Manual Supplier Data Management: Manual and error-prone process of collating supplier data via spreadsheets.
  • Reporting Complexity: Time-consuming process of compiling reports across various applications, impacting strategic decision-making.
  • Need for Centralisation: A centralised solution was necessary to enhance professionalism and support growth effectively.

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery and Planning:

Pragmatiq conducted thorough analysis to understand Visku’s unique operational needs and challenges to design a custom solution using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales.


  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Implementation: Tailored to streamline core processes across warehousing, consulting, and logistics.
  • Standardised Processes: Standardised core processes while allowing flexibility for individual departmental needs.
  • Centralised Platform: Enables seamless management of the sales cycle from lead generation to deal closure.
  • Integrated Operations: Improved integration with comprehensive tracking of activities, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Stakeholder Management: Identifies existing stakeholders to prevent redundant approaches.
  • Outlook Integration: Facilitates streamlined communication with email sending and tracking within the system.
  • Reporting Functionality: Provides deep insights into the sales pipeline for informed decision-making.
  • Warehouse Management: Enhances visibility into upcoming warehouse space for better forecasting and client offerings.

The Transformation


  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Centralised system saves time navigating multiple systems and spreadsheets.
  • Enhanced Insights: Dynamics 365 provides valuable daily insights, improving control over business operations.
  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Tailored system improves user experience and day-to-day operations.
  • Scalable Platform: Customisable to meet future business requirements and strategies.
  • Increased Professionalism: Transition to Dynamics 365 enhances professionalism in stakeholder interactions.

Book a free discovery call to find out how we can create bespoke solutions to transform your organisation.

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