George Davies Turf Enhance Operational Efficiency with Dynamics 365 & Power BI

Freshly laid turf

Discover how George Davies Turf partnered with Pragmatiq to transform their operations through Dynamics 365 and Power BI, driving efficiency and scalability across their business.

Background & Challenges


George Davies Turf, established in 2001, supplies turf to a diverse clientele including golf courses, housing developers, and residential gardens. With rapid growth came challenges from outdated systems and manual processes hindering productivity. 


  • Outdated Systems: Existing systems were inadequate to support evolving business needs, particularly in sales, planning, delivery management and accounts. 
  • Manual Processes: Heavy reliance on disconnected systems and paper notes for order processing, planning, and inventory management led to errors and inefficiencies.  
  • Data Accessibility: Reporting was cumbersome and the limits of what could be reported on within the system had been reached. The team lacked strategic insights, hampering decision-making. 
  • Departmental Silos: Lack of integration among sales, planning & delivery, and accounts departments resulted in disjointed workflows and communication gaps. 
  • Marketing Limitations: Previously used a siloed marketing automation solution with no CRM integration. Activities were time-consuming, and contact information and data segmentation were manual. Increasing marketing activities necessitated a more advanced system. 
male rolling out turf into a field

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery and Planning:

Pragmatiq conducted a comprehensive assessment to understand George Davies Turf’s operational requirements and designed a customised solution leveraging Dynamics 365 and Power BI. 


  • System Redesign: Overhauled existing systems to streamline sales processes, enhance order management, and improve customer interactions. By aligning the system with day-to-day processes, the solution can support employees rather than slow them down.  
  • Order Generation: Implemented standard ‘quote, order and product catalogue’ functionality, enabling quick and efficient processing, improving phone order times. 
  • Planning & Delivery Automation: Introduced custom functionalities to automate planning, delivery scheduling, and inventory management, reducing errors and optimising logistics. 
  • Delivery Board: Using PCFs (Power Apps Component Framework), we created a user-friendly interface for a complex planning and delivery solution. Drag-and-drop functionality enables easy delivery allocation, incoming turf management, weight capacity checks, turf sales tracking, and transfers between branches. 
  • Twilio Integration: Integrated Twilio SMS with Dynamics 365 for seamless customer communication, providing timely updates on orders and deliveries. 
  • Power BI Implementation: Deployed Power BI and created dashboards for sales, planning, deliveries, and suppliers, giving managers real-time visibility and supporting decision-making. 
  • Enhanced Marketing Capabilities: Implemented Dynamics 365 Marketing for unified marketing efforts, enabling targeted campaigns and personalised customer interactions. 
freshly laid turf in front of a building

The Transformation

  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Centralised data and automated processes, providing better visibility to data across the business and reducing manual efforts. 
  • Improved Customer Service: Streamlined order processing and delivery tracking leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention. 
  • Enhanced Reporting: George Davies Turf now saves 3 hours per week which was previously spent generating manual reports. This is completely automated using real-time data as opposed to once every week. 
  • Enhanced Collaboration: The bespoke solution and integrated system facilitates cross-department collaboration, improving information flow and accuracy, and ensuring seamless teamwork. 
  • Enhanced Marketing: George Davies Turf now has advanced marketing capabilities, with potential for future additions like event or social media management. 
  • Scalability and Growth: Systemising planning and delivery processes reduces reliance on individual knowledge, making it easier to transfer knowledge and train new employees, supporting future business growth. 

Contact us today to see how we can help transform your organisation with expert Dynamics CRM consultancy and support. 

Read full case study here
freshly laid turf with half mowed

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