Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service and Resco

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

February 4th, 2019

5 min read

Technology is  revolutionising the workplace and streamlined operations, real-time data and automated processes are now expected within a business. That is why many successful  organisations  have turned to software to manage everything from quotes  &  invoices to planning & scheduling appointments.

Resco is a technology company that does just that and works for both SMB and enterprise organisations.  Their software manages business processes  and makes data from CRM software, primarily Dynamics 365 and Salesforce, accessible on across all major mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows) and devices. The key benefits of Resco include full offline functionality, unlimited configuration options, speed, security and scalability. All making it suited for numerous industries – from manufacturing to agriculture and field service organisations. The  offline capabilities  are  especially pertinent for any field-based companies, as  engineers can work in remote areas where connectivity is a challenge uninterrupted and any data that is entered automatically  synchronises when they are back online.

In November, the conference took place in Prague and Pragmatiq was lucky enough to attend. Here we’d like to share some of the information we picked up along the way and give an insight into the conference and trends Resco see as key in the enterprise mobile space right now. 2018

Each year, Resco’s two-day conference targets both clients and partners with educational sessions in two parallel tracks – Business and Technical. The Business track gives insight into what Resco offers, product lines, training  programs  and more.  is not just a showcase of what’s new – it offers the opportunity to see how Resco works as a business, collaboration, and the marketing support they offer. When speaking to their Marketing Director Agnes  Balazova, it was clear that Resco are not just enabling the resources, they aim to train and provide partners with the support they need to make the solution work for their clients. The partner-oriented sessions at the conference demonstrated the collaborative relationship between Resco and its partners. They showcased the collateral they pull together to support businesses, the valued partners section and then delved into Resco solutions from a technical standpoint.

Traditionally known as mobile CRM providers, Resco presented not only this side of their business at the conference, but also brought attention to the rest of the product lineup, in particular Resco  Inspections – an all-in-one solution making inspections more effective for your field staff. The crucial thing about the products is how transferable they are into  various different  sectors.

At the  conference vendors can clearly see how they can  customise  their solution built on Resco and  utilse  it to its full potential.  This is something that also Gartner  recognised when it included Resco in the  Gartner Magic Quadrant  for Mobile Applications Development Platform, published in July 2018. This is great recognition for the company and its mobile platform that has been continuously developed for over ten years. On top of that, another announcement made at the conference revealed the signing of a multi-year partnership between Microsoft and Resco for field service mobility – a solution that is among Pragmatiq’ s main focuses known as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service.

Trends and Product Development

Investing in research and development is essential for Resco, as they constantly work on improving existing technology. It became very apparent whilst speaking to Agnes that Resco aim to listen to partners and accommodate their needs, which is where the flexibility of their roadmap comes into play.

A key focal point in 2019 for Resco, is to highlight their new products – Business Apps Development Platform, Inspections, Route Planner and City Smart Services, alongside mobile sales and field service.  For example,  City Smart Services came from a recognition of how towns were trying to create smarter cities and incorporating smart initiatives into everyday life.  The product provides cloud-based CRM and is specifically designed to connect municipalities with residents and service contractors/technicians via mobile apps, making all communication and incident management – from the reporting of an incident to resolution – a simple and transparent process. The solution enables municipalities and their citizens to easily handle  a number of  elements from raising works orders to appointment booking scheduling & dispatching of contractors whilst intelligently matching core capabilities and competencies.

Field Service Software

Field service organisations don’t have the luxury of simple face-to-face communication in the office.  As the name implies, the team can usually be found on the go, working ‘in the field’. Field service management software helps to bridge  that  communications gap, speed up processes and ultimately drive more revenue.   In essence, makes the management of your mobile workforce far simpler and a more efficient, providing real-time automated workforce planning, which enables you to assign the right person, to the right job, at the right time.

The Field Service element is centered around work orders, scheduling and of course mobility. Dynamics 365 offers this functionality using Resco as the mobile solution for the front-end. This allows real value to be added as the mobile application works completely offline which supports engineers in remote areas where they don’t have connectivity. It provides them with a 360-degree view of their job: customer history, information around the asset they are going to fix, on-hand inventory and much more.

Final thoughts…

As businesses grow, the complexity of efficiently scheduling extensive workloads increases making the reasons as to why you should invest in field service software clearer. Utilising field service management software, staff have the right tools to drive businesses forward. Completing more jobs, driving profits and ensuring both a happy workforce and customers. Find out more about our field service platform in our feature spotlight of Dynamics 365 Field Service.

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