How to Improve CRM User Adoption Within Your Business

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

October 16th, 2023

4 min read

If done right, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can provide a huge number of benefits to an organisation, from increased productivity to improved management insight, but despite this, user adoption is almost always one of the biggest challenges for businesses to overcome, yet it is the key to getting the most out of your technology. In fact, research has found that less than 40% have full-scale end-user adoption, so ensuring users are on board is critical to the long-term success of your system.

Below are a few suggestions of how to improve user adoption within your business: 

6 Ways to Improve User Adoption of CRM

1. Get employees on board from the start

It’s not uncommon for employees to resist change, especially when it comes to technology. Fear of the unknown, changes in day-to-day processes and having to re-learn a new software are all common reasons for this resistance, so businesses need to work with employees and do all they can to prevent this. One way to take away the uncertainty and negate some of this fear is to involve end-users of the system from the beginning of the process. Also ensuring the benefits of the change are outlined clearly, allowing users to feel positive about the situation and see how they will be better off.

2. Listen to the users

As end-users of the system, working daily with the technology and the various elements of the CRM, your employees will be the best people to ask for feedback. This feedback should be gathered regularly and made clear that the responses will be listened to and not ignored. Ultimately, you want employees to utilise the CRM to its full potential, therefore, encouraging regular feedback is the best practice to make sure any problems don’t go unresolved. 

3. Don’t overcomplicate the software

Overcomplicated systems and non-technical users can be challenging. The whole point of CRM software is to improve efficiency and productivity, not hinder it. Therefore, it is important that the CRM is tailored to suit the needs of the users and specific roles, as opposed to users having to fit their processes around the solution.  It may seem simple, but having a clean, easy-to-read interface displaying the most relevant information is essential. If it is too cluttered, users will get confused or distracted, and potentially waste time, so you ideally want to avoid this. Speak to the users within your company to find out what they want and remember more customisations can always be made later. 

4. Prioritise user training

It’s not uncommon for there to be different levels of user capabilities within your organisation, so figuring this out early on prior to any training is important. However, keep in mind that frequent innovation brings new capabilities, so even if some of your staff have worked with the software in the past, refresher training may be useful to ensure they are fully up to date. Here at Pragmatiq, we offer CRM user training to ensure your business gets the most out of the software once it has been implemented.

5. Create CRM Champions

Within the organisation, have a ‘go-to’ contact that staff can approach when they need help, whilst also providing easy access to a knowledgeable resource. As the champion/s within your organisation, this user will have a great understanding of both the software and the business, which will allow for them to get the best out of the software and other employees.  Specific ‘superuser’ training should also be undertaken, going more in-depth with the champion user and passing on extensive knowledge so they are set to help others. 

6. Make it fun

Gamification is an increasingly popular element within CRM and is a great incentive for employees to use the system effectively. Badges, dashboards and rewards can be offered for those users who participate and use the system, while also encouraging friendly competition amongst teams. 

Final thoughts…

Implementing CRM software is not an instant process and getting users onboard takes time. However, it’s an important investment to make and one that will provide long-term benefits if done correctly. By following the tips listed above, your business will get the most out of the software and be on the path to CRM success.

Get in Touch

If you would like to talk to us about how we can support your business goals, please get in touch via the contact form, email us at / call us on 01908 038110. 


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