ECG Training Transform Training Management Processes with Bespoke Solution

doctor signing forms in his uniform

Explore how ECG Training partnered with Pragmatiq to transform their training management processes through a bespoke solution using Dynamics 365 to enhance efficiency and scalability.

Background & Challenges


ECG Training, based in Milton Keynes, specialises in providing mandatory, clinical, and soft skills training for healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care settings. With a surge in demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ECG Training has experienced substantial growth over its 17 years of operation.


  • Manual Setup: Heavy reliance on Microsoft Outlook calendar for managing training schedules.
  • Inefficient Processes: Managing a high volume of daily training courses manually, involving calender invites to hold information relating to training courses, location, trainer details, attendee details, etc.
  • Communication Gaps: Difficulty in tracking and managing communication with trainers and attendees.
  • Enquiry Handling: Lack of structured processes for following up on new course enquiries.
  • Reporting Challenges: Labour-intensive monthly reporting tasks due to disparate data sources.
  • Business Continuity: Lack of a centralised solution presented challenges, as ECG Training was heavily reliant on employee knowledge and expertise.
nurse giving a woman a vaccination

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery and Planning:

We began by conducting extensive consultations with ECG Training’s stakeholders to understand their operational challenges and growth objectives. This phase focused on detailed planning to ensure the new solution would streamline workflows effectively. After careful consideration we decided that a Dynamics 365 solution would be best suited to the requirements of ECG Training.


  • Bespoke Training Management Solution: Developed and deployed a customised solution to automate course management processes.
  • Process Redesign: Systematised manual workflows to improve efficiency and accuracy.
  • Enquiry Management: Established structured processes for handling new training enquiries seamlessly.
  • Course Management: Developed a logical process to create a course, book trainers, locations, multiple sessions with a course, calculate financials and notify the required people of a new booking.
  • Outlook Integration: Implemented Outlook Integration to track email correspondence, enhancing auditing efficiency. ECG Training also adopted email templates to generate and send necessary information during the course process.
  • Dashboard Overviews: Created dashboard overviews in Dynamics, providing real-time insights into areas such as course status, pending audits, upcoming courses, and outstanding inquiries.
First aid training on a mannequin

The Transformation


  • Operational Efficiency: Automated workflows have significantly reduced manual effort, saving time and boosting productivity.
  • Improved Reporting and Insights: Centralised data and real-time dashboards save significant time previously spent gathering data for reports, enabling immediate access to accurate information and enhancing decision-making capabilities. 
  • Scalability: Business processes are now logically systemised, optimising the onboarding process of new staff. The system can also be customised to accommodate future business growth.
  • Improved Communication: Efficient email tracking ensures comprehensive communication management, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Contact us today to discover how we can enhance your organisation’s efficiency with tailored Microsoft solutions.

Read full case study here
ECG reading coming out of a machine

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