Microsoft Power Platform

Top 10 Benefits of Microsoft’s Power Platform

Amelie Streller, Senior Marketing Executive

October 18th, 2023

6 min read

The landscape many companies operate in is fiercely competitive, and adaptability and efficiency are essential for success. Microsoft’s Power Platform is a suite of tools that helps your organisation unlock its full potential by offering various benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 advantages of using the Power Platform.

A quick overview of the Power Platform

  • Power BI: This business intelligence (BI) tool helps your organisation analyse and transform complex data into easy-to-read dashboards and reports.  
  • Power Automate: This automation tool streamlines lengthy workflows and processes by automating them, saving time and reducing errors. 
  • Power Apps: A low-code platform that allows you to build custom applications tailored to your specific business needs. 
  • Power Pages: This application enables the creation of web-based portals for sharing information, both internally and externally. 
  • Power Virtual Agents: Simplify chatbot and virtual assistant creation with power virtual agents, enhancing customer service.

Benefits of the Power Platform: Why should you use it?

All the applications within the Power Platform can be used individually, but the real magic happens when they are used together, creating a seamless ecosystem connecting all your business solutions.

the benefits of the power platform

1. Scalability for All

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, the Power Platform can scale to meet your unique needs, handling a wide range of workloads, from basic apps to complex enterprise solutions.

2. Solves your business challenges

The Power Platform applications work seamlessly together to solve your specific internal problems and bottlenecks. You can work with a Partner, such as Pragmatiq, to design solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

Example: Employee Onboarding App

Scenario: You might be using a very traditional onboarding process that involves an array of manual paperwork, policies stored within different areas, and a complex IT setup. This process is taking a long time and errors often occur. To address these challenges, the organisation turns to the Power Platform for a more streamlined and effective solution.

The Solution: 

  • Power Apps: The HR department can harness Power Apps to design a custom mobile application tailored for employee onboarding. This user-friendly app includes digital forms for collecting essential personal information, tax-related documents, emergency contact details, and other necessary data.
  • Power Automate: Power Automate can also play a pivotal role in this solution. Workflow automation can be implemented to orchestrate a seamless onboarding experience. When a new employee gets added to the system, Power Automate triggers a series of automated processes. This includes sending notifications to the IT department to prepare and set up computer equipment based on the employee’s requirements.

3. Easy to learn – Low-code approach

The Power Platform supports you with creating applications, integrations, automation, and reports without having to be an expert developer. These applications take out the technical complexity that used to come with development and simplify it into easier steps.

4. Cost-Efficiency

All Power Platform applications are Microsoft-licensed, meaning your organisation can avoid third-party expenses. Moreover, the low-code approach often requires fewer resources compared to other development methods.

5. Advanced AI and Machine Learning

Microsoft has always embraced the power of AI and all applications within the Power Platform use it, creating smarter more data-driven solutions.

6. Improve Productivity

In many organisations, disconnected systems and lengthy processes and workflow negatively impact productivity. The Power Platform solves these challenges through:

Advanced automation: Power Automate streamlines operations by automating lengthy processes such as approvals, email notifications, meeting reminders, data transfers and much more.

End-to-end solution: The applications within the Power Platform seamlessly integrate with each other and if necessary other third-party applications, making it possible to connect everything you need within one place.

7. Increase collaboration across teams

With an increasing number of employees working remotely, efficient collaboration can sometimes be more of a challenge. The Power Platform applications smoothly connect with Microsoft’s ecosystem, including Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, and PowerPoint, supporting your employees with easier collaboration.

8. Data Insights at Your Fingertips

Power BI, one of the tools within the Power Platform, provides powerful data analytics and visualisation capabilities. It enables you to generate interactive reports and dashboards, helping you uncover insights from your data.

9. Mobile accessibility

The tools within the Power Platform can be accessed across multiple devices and the applications are reactive to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience. This means that any reports or applications created can be viewed on the go and employees can maintain productivity levels.

10. Robust Security and Compliance

In today’s digital landscape, security and compliance are paramount. The Power Platform is designed with these considerations in mind, adhering to industry standards and offering comprehensive data protection and access control.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Pragmatiq as your Power Platform partner?

At Pragmatiq, we work with the Power Platform every day, making sure our clients get the most out of it. Whether it’s building Power Apps, implementing automation across businesses, or creating Power BI Dashboards, we guide organizations in elevating their digital transformations with the Power Platform. 

We collaborate closely with our clients to craft solutions tailored to their needs, offering a wide range of services: 

  • Power Platform Consultancy: Unsure where to start or need expert advice? Our consultancy package is designed for you. 
  • Implementation Partner: Do you have a business problem but lack the resources to build the solution? Pragmatiq can help you scope out the work and bring your vision to life. 
  • Post-Implementation Support: We don’t just build solutions and leave you to it. Our Managed Service offers ongoing support, making it easy to add, alter, or change anything you need. 

Curious about our work with the Power Platform?

Interested in understanding how the Power Platform can work? Have a look at some of the work we have done at Pragmatiq. 

What is new with the Power Platform?

Microsoft continuously improves and alters the Power Platform have a look at the new features that have been released recently. 

Microsoft Wave Release 1 – 2023 Power Platform


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