Reasons to Invest in Membership Management Software

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

March 2nd, 2023

4 min read

Growing membership organisations all share similar problems. Some examples of these are; acquiring more members requires your dedicated focus but you lack available time, it is increasingly hard to gain insight into member behaviour, your current software no longer adequately supports you and your customers’ demands are growing due to a rise in expectations. Dynamics 365 Membership management software can help solve these challenges and enable you to move your organisation forward.

Within this blog, we will explore further reasons to invest in member management software…

Membership software gives you control of your time

Running a membership-based organisation can be a time-consuming operation.  Your day may be filled with tasks such as processing applications, renewals and keeping up with communications. Unfortunately, this can mean there is little time left for focusing on growing your business and putting into action future plans. A membership management CRM offers you a scalable solution to support your business growth and will help you increase productivity.

Data gives insight into member behaviour

With your current set up, gaining enhanced insight into your member behaviour and analysing it, may be difficult. However, this is an important aspect of membership management and ensuring your system has the relevant capabilities will be the key to engaging with your members. Here are a few examples of what this involves:

  • Identify when members’ engagement rate is lower and target them with specific campaigns
  • Automatically notify members when their subscription is up for renewal
  • Monitor member interests for future upselling
  • Personalise your communications with them based on information in the CRM
  • Offer rewards based on positive engagement
  • Identify areas for improvement

By gaining insight into member behaviour, your organisation will be well placed to respond to growing consumer demands; in today’s society, the expectation to meet and exceed your clients’ needs is greater than ever before. The ease in which information can be accessed, the competitiveness of your industry and people’s desire to receive an all-round experience, are all factors that you should consider.

Software that grows with you

Your current software may be restrictive when it comes to growing your organisation. As you become more established, your requirements shift and therefore you need a suitable system to meet these. Below are a few challenges you may recognise:

  • You have reached member capacity
  • You are unable to manage records effectively
  • Your user team is growing and need additional access
  • Your business processes are changing

If these sound familiar, it might be time for you to consider updating your software, new solutions often have the ability to grow with your business making them a good system to implement for the future.

Real-time Communication

Staying in touch with your members is crucial, however, doing so manually with both new and potential members can be extremely time consuming. Membership management software allows you to automate significant amounts of this process, making it easy to stay in touch and respond to any member needs in real-time

 Case Study: The Drapers’ Company

The Drapers’ Company is one of the 110 livery companies in the City of London. As a philanthropic institution, interests vary across a range of charitable areas, with a particular focus on education, prisoner rehabilitation, and older people’s care. The organisation also encourages volunteering opportunities where possible.

Pragmatiq was engaged to design, develop, and implement a cloud-based system built on Microsoft Dynamics 365, have a read of the full Drapers’ Compan case study.

Get in Touch

If your organisation is experiencing some of the challenges mentioned within this blog, then it could be time to invest in membership management software. If you have any questions regarding how we could support you please contact us on: or call us on 01908 038110.


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