Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) Transforms Membership Management with Dynamics 365

RMI hero image - cars at petrol station

Discover how the Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) collaborated with Pragmatiq to transform their membership management and operational processes with Dynamics 365, leading to improved efficiency and strategic insight.

Background & Challenges


The Retail Motor Industry Federation (RMI) is the UK’s leading automotive trade body, representing a wide range of automotive businesses, including franchised car and commercial vehicle dealers, independent garages, bodyshops, motorcycle dealers, petrol retailers, auction houses, and cherished number plate dealers. Comprising eight sub-associations, RMI was operating with an outdated, on-premise membership database, which was increasingly inadequate for their needs. 


  • Outdated System: The existing on-premise membership database was outdated and unable to meet the needs of the individual associations. 
  • Data Access Issues: Individual associations lacked easy access to their data, relying heavily on central administration for any insights, reporting, or interactions with members. 
  • Manual Processes: The member sign-up process was manual and inefficient as the system was not reflective of RMIs actual processes, relying on admin teams to take payment for memberships and process the direct debit mandates.  
  • Fragmented Applications: Multiple third-party applications were used to supplement the old system, leading to data silos and high software costs. 
  • Time-Consuming Reporting: Monthly data exports required manual processing by the administration team, delaying real-time visibility for strategic decision-making on new member acquisition, retention, cancellations, and recruiter performance. 
  • Limited Marketing Capabilities: Limited data access hindered marketing efforts and maintaining current member information. Challenges in integrating software led to purchasing additional tools for activities like surveying vehicle dealers, garages, bodyshops, and customers. 
  • Scalability Needs: RMI required a scalable, cloud-based system that allowed each association to access and manage their own data securely. 
Man underneath care fixing it

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery and Planning:

We began with a detailed analysis of RMI’s requirements and challenges, consulting with key stakeholders to map out the necessary functionality and processes so we could create a solution tailored to their needs. To meet their needs we created a custom solution utilising both Dynamics 365 CRM applications and Power BI. 


  • Dynamics 365 Sales Implementation: A cloud-based system was implemented, enabling real-time data access for each association without centralised control.
  • Leads & Opportunities Process: Pragmatiq accurately reflected the sales processes within the system to support sales teams effectively.
  • Resco Integration: The mobile platform Resco was implemented, allowing field sales teams to sign up new members, create direct debit mandates, and take payments on-site.
  • Membership Management Module: Developed to manage memberships, renewals, invoicing, and complex fee arrangements, with automated document generation.
  • Dynamics 365 Marketing: Implemented to enhance marketing capabilities, enabling email campaigns, customer journeys, and social media management.
  • Event Management Functionality: Added to track and manage events, including planning, revenue, expenses, and sponsorship.
  • Power BI Dashboards and Reports: Provided real-time insights and reporting, specific to each association’s activities.
  • Complex Data Migration: Successfully migrated hundreds of thousands of records from the old system to Dynamics 365.
Multiple cars at petrol station at night

The Transformation


  • Improved Data Access: Associations can now access and manage their own data independently, reducing reliance on central administration. 
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Streamlined processes and leaner application landscape has improved overall efficiency. 
  • Business Continuity: Everything required is now integrated within Dynamics 365, which is beneficial for user adoption, supporting individual software, training new hires, and reducing costs for multiple applications. 
  • Real-Time Insights: Previously, RMI spent a day monthly exporting and manipulating data for reports, updated only after the next export. With Power BI, real-time data refresh enables daily insights, allowing for focused improvements in underperforming areas and highlighting successful ones. 
  • Future-Proof System: The new cloud-based setup supports future growth and customisation where needed. Interoperability with other Microsoft applications allows RMI to work more effectively using the tools that are within the eco-system.  
  • Enhanced data security: Customising Dynamics 365’s security model to RMI’s specific needs ensures confidential data is accessed only by authorised personnel, enhancing security and compliance. 

Contact us today to see how we can help transform your organisation with expert Dynamics 365 consultancy and support. 

Read full case study here
motorbike dashboard showing speed and fuel

RMI’s Continued Transformation: Phase 2 Enhancements

After the initial project, RMI approached Pragmatiq about a Phase 2, to enhance the system further. The task was to now build on top of the system, bring in other areas of the business such as RMISC (Retail Motor Industry Standards and Certifications) and Trust my Garage.

Phase 2 : RMISC

RMISC Background:

RMISC is the commercial arm of the organisation, that provides training resources, packages and courses to members.  


  • Streamline the administration processes around sales and invoicing to provide a single source of truth of member activities across the board. 


  • Sales and Invoicing Integration: Orders for training resources and courses are now processed through Dynamics 365, providing visibility of member activities. 
  • Invoice Templates: Templates created to allow users to quickly generate and invoice off the back of an order, and add it to the system, reducing manual administration. 
  • Non-Member Sales Management: Enabled tracking of non-member sales as potential member leads for follow-up. 


  • Reduced Administration Time: Automation supports processes, allowing staff to focus on other areas. 
  • Single Source of Truth: Activities are tracked against membership plans, providing a comprehensive overview. 
  • Increased Sales Opportunities: Non-member sales can be auto-generated as RMI member prospects based on level of interest. 


Hands on petrol pump

Phase 2 : Trust My Garage


Trust my Garage is a collection of garages that are members of the Independent Garage Association, which is part of RMI. They must comply with a strict code of practice and get regularly audited to ensure the highest standards of service. 


  • Previously used  a siloed database (QuickBase) and wanted to bring the process into Dynamics 365.  


  • Extend Phase 1 Solution: Extended the solution that was built in Phase 1, to capture the data required for Trust my Garage. 
  • Audit Process: Audit scheduling, previously a manual task, is streamlined within Dynamics 365. Audits can be easily scheduled and tracked in the system, with notes recorded and future audits automatically scheduled upon completion, eliminating the need for manual reminders. 
  • Resco Mobile Application: Extended from Phase 1 to include audit forms, allowing auditors to complete on-site audits efficiently with data syncing back to Dynamics 365. 


  • Centralised solution: Managing audits within Dynamics 365 simplifies the process and enhances clarity. 
  • Enhanced On-Site Experience: Auditors use Resco to streamline on-site work, reducing duplication and improving efficiency. 
Man looking at car engine

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