Arthur Ellis: Mental Health Support Adopts Tailored CRM Solution

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Discover how Pragmatiq partnered with Arthur Ellis Mental Health Support to implement a tailored CRM solution, enhancing efficiency and scalability to meet increasing demand.

Background & Challenges


Arthur Ellis: Mental Health Support was founded in 2017, with the aim to address the significant gap in mental health support for both adults and children across the UK. The organisation recognises that only 1 in 8 adults currently receive treatment  for their mental health, and nationally, 75% of all children and young people are unable to access any support at all. This makes it no surprise that the charity quickly expanded across the UK. However this quick expansion led them to discover that some of their previous systems and processes were not equip to handle the increase demand.


  • Complex Data Management: All client, corporate, supporter, and mentor records were maintained in disjointed spreadsheets, leading to inefficiencies and data errors.
  • Unstructured Processes: Manual entry and management of session notes, referrals, and billing processes were time-consuming and prone to errors.
  • Lack of Real-Time Insights: Inability to generate timely and accurate reports hindered strategic decision-making.
  • Scaling Challenges: Needed a scalable solution to support growing operational needs and increasing demand for mental health services.

The Solution & Implementation

Discovery & Planning: 

After gathering Arthur Ellis: Mental Health Support’s detailed requirements, it was apparent that their needs did not require standard Dynamics 365 functionality such as Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, etc. Instead, we designed and implemented a Custom Business Solution with only the functionality they required, however, could be expanded upon as the organisation grows.

Custom Business Solution Implementation:

  • Data Management: Consolidated all stakeholder records (clients, corporates, supporters, mentors) into Dynamics 365, enabling seamless data integration and accessibility.
  • Session and Referral Management: Implemented structured processes for session notes, referrals, and onboarding, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy.
  • Integration with Outlook: Automated session scheduling and reminders, syncing with both mentor and client calendars, improving efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Xero Integration: Streamlined billing and invoicing processes by integrating with Xero, ensuring accuracy and visibility into financial transactions.
  • Dashboard Implementation: Developed real-time dashboards within Dynamics 365, providing management with comprehensive insights into operations, client needs, and service trends.

The Transformation


  • Time Saved on Administration: Significant reduction in administrative tasks such as data entry, session scheduling, and billing, enabling focus on core mission objectives.
  • Improved Information Accuracy and Efficiency: Enhanced data integrity and streamlined processes minimised errors and improved overall efficiency.
  • Enhanced Professionalism: Automated processes and centralised data improved professionalism and client experience throughout the service journey.
  • Increased Visibility: Real-time dashboards provided management with actionable insights, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Leveraged Dynamics 365’s security model to ensure data confidentiality and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Future-Proof System: Scalable platform designed to support Arthur Ellis: Mental Health Support’s future growth and evolving operational needs.


Get in touch to learn how Pragmatiq can transform your organisation with expert Dynamics 365 consultancy and tailored solutions

Read full case study here

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