Pragmatiq Complete Charity 5K in aid of MacIntyre

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

September 9th, 2021

2 min read

Last Saturday (4th September) some of the Pragmatiq Team took part in the 5K event at the Bedford Running Festival, in aid of MacIntyre. We had a great time and it was brilliant to be back at an in-person event. The team trained hard beforehand and put in a fantastic effort on the day. A special mention to our Managing Director, Stuart Goldwater, who came in 14th place out of 412 people! MacIntyre is a national charity, based in Milton Keynes, supporting children, young people and adults who have a learning disability and/or autism. The charity started at Westoning in Bedfordshire 1966, not too far from where the running festival took place.

We are pleased to announce we raised a total of £210 for the charity, which will allow MacIntyre to create a family room in a group of houses, where people they support are able to live. This family room will allow parents, siblings, and carers to meet with their loved ones in privacy. This new room needs to be converted from an existing office to be made welcoming and accessible. Over the past 16 months, a safe space for visiting where families can spend time together has been more important than ever, so we are thrilled to support in some way. If you wish to find out more about MacIntyre and how you can support them, please take a look at their website here.

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