Microsoft Power Platform

Does Dynamics 365 Integrate with Microsoft Power BI?

Jessica Sheridan, Marketing Manager

January 7th, 2023

2 min read

The short answer to this question is yes, Power BI does integrate with Dynamics 365.

Although Power BI can be used with other data sources and business software, it is predominantly part of the Microsoft Power Platform and therefore, is used widely in combination with Dynamics 365 implementations.

Microsoft Power BI is a data and analytics reporting tool which essentially brings together disparate data – anything from basic Excel spreadsheets to databases, including both cloud-based and on-premise apps. This is then presented in dashboards & reports with visual, easy-to-read graphs and charts, allowing businesses to drill down and gain valuable insights. As mentioned, the great thing about Power BI is that there is a natural integration with the Microsoft eco-system and Dynamics 365. On top of this, you can embed Power BI dashboards within Dynamics 365 to enhance the existing reporting capabilities. This allows access to dashboards, reports and insights from Power BI, without needed to leave the Dynamics 365 interface.

Just a note on licensing, there are three Power BI licensing options; Free, Pro and Premium. All of these enable users to connect to data as a minimum (so with a free license you could integrate Power BI + Dynamics 365). However, there are limitations around sharing capabilities and other elements across each of the options. Currently, Power BI licenses are not included with Dynamics 365 and users must sign up to licenses separately. With regards to Office 365, Power BI is currently only available as part of the Office 365 Enterprise E5 version. However, if you are not on this plan, Power BI licenses much be purchased separately.

If you’d like to see Power BI dashboards in use and the capabilities that lie within this tool, watch our demonstration here:

Check out our ‘Microsoft 365 + Dynamics 365: The Perfect Pairing‘ blog to uncover more integrations.

Get in Touch

If you would like more information on implementing Power BI within your business, please get in touch by emailing us at or calling us on 01908 038110. Alternatively, fill out our contact form and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.


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